One year on | Calmababy

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One year on

One year on, and what a year it’s been.

Like many people, our daily routine came to a grinding and most unexpected halt just over a year ago. After a decade of working almost every day, I can’t say we didn’t need the break. We did!

Once the initial shock wore off and the flurry of ‘taking action’ forced upon us due to the closure ended, we settled into lockdown and found it bittersweet.

The bitterness was like nothing our generation had ever experienced before—separation, fear, uncertainty, loss, sadness and a whole lot of heartache.

We want to take this opportunity to send our love and deepest condolences to everyone who lost loved ones. And express our heartfelt gratitude to all the frontline workers, especially the NHS.

The sweetness came during unlimited time with our children and relaxing days in the garden. A newfound love of growing vegetables, online exercise classes, the opportunity to deep clean and de-clutter the house. And time to think—endless time to think. To reflect, refocus and consider the future.

Like most people, we sought to find the positives in each day. We tried to stay buoyant and upbeat, constantly reminding ourselves that so many people had it much worse than us. Staying home wasn’t that bad – was it?

I want to think we spent our time wisely. As a family, our energy concentrated on the next ten years. And we made some decisions about the focus of Calmababy.

The first of those decisions was to refine our pregnancy program. The city already benefits from an abundance of excellent prenatal education. Therefore, we’ve decided to cease our childbirth preparation program for the time being. We invite contact from any birth workers and pregnancy teachers who would like to partner with us to deliver their courses at Calmababy. Please do get in touch if you’d like to discuss this with us.

Our founder, Alison, has been busy studying again. During the last 12-months, she has fully qualified as a Developmental Play Practitioner and a Tummy Time Practitioner. She is also currently undertaking certification as an RMTi Consultant (Rhythmic Movement Training International), a movement-based, primitive reflex integration program.

These new qualifications and more profound knowledge influence our entire program. An overhaul of the dry program is taking place.  Watch this space for more information to come on this.

To all the parents who welcomed new babies into their families over the last year – we send you our warmest congratulations!

We chatted with a mother last week, who said she felt like her now one-year-old son “was a secret.” We know this hasn’t been easy. You’ve all missed out on so much. However, we assure you, your babies will be just fine. You’ve done a fantastic job, and we look forward to creating happy swimming memories with you all.

Where do we stand for the April term?

There are 119 swimming classes scheduled per week from April. They are currently 99% full!

Selina’s will be open for takeaway and outdoor service in the garden. Please see our social media posts for more on that.

Aquanatal yoga will hopefully re-commence from mid-may. Once we have the go-ahead, we’ll get that loaded and offer out spaces.

If you’d like to swim with us from June, please get in touch to be added to the contact list.

Finally, we are so very thankful to the hundreds of families who stuck with us. You put your trust in us, and that means a lot. We are in an excellent position to take the business forward and can’t wait to get started again.

Best wishes,
The Calmababy Team

Register now to swim in Term 4, starting Monday 5 August. More Info