Pregnancy Yoga | Pregnancy & Postnatal Classes | Calmababy

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Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth

Explore the benefits of our Pregnancy Yoga Classes

At Calmababy, we teach Birthlight Pregnancy Yoga, backed by scientific and medical research and accessible to all pregnant women. This method of pregnancy yoga is becoming widely accepted and actively encouraged in birthing units across the country.

Your experience of being pregnant and giving birth will bring physical and emotional changes. Pregnancy Yoga is a real asset for the body in these times of change. Aiming to raise awareness of bringing birth back to basics, the classes leave women feeling positive, empowered, and confident in their ability to give birth.

In pregnancy yoga, we adapt classic poses to suit your growing baby and the changes within your body. Whether you practise yoga daily or have never practised yoga before, we tailor our classes to suit the abilities of each mother in the group. Calmababy’s expert trainers teach you physical exercise, deep breathing, and space to explore your feelings about your journey into motherhood.

Birthlight Yoga for Pregnancy & Birth:

Our classes give women practical resources for “birthing lightly,” creating internal space, and using their breath to “exhale push” their babies without undue strain.

Our sessions focus on deep breathing, active postures, positions for labour and birth, birthing ball work, and birth muscle toning. They also include a broader understanding of pregnancy, labour, and motherhood’s emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects.


Ease and Depth of Breathing

Greater awareness of your breathing nurtures you as you stretch and relax. Deep breathing slows the pulse and lowers blood pressure. The release of endorphins causes a general feeling of calmness and healthy well-being. The relaxation you experience passes directly to your baby and delivers benefits such as increased blood flow to the placenta and the sharing of bonding time in pregnancy.

Ease of Movement

Find delight in the relaxed movements, spiralling and circling motions, gentle opening stretches and yoga sequences.

Pelvic Awareness

All movement comes from the pelvis. With this in mind, we work to mobilise, balance and free your entire range of pelvic movement, enabling you to create the most space possible to birth your baby.

Using the breath, you will learn how to control the pelvic floor muscles, preparing them to become birthing muscles by increasing their elasticity while allowing your body to remain relaxed and open.

Remember the baby!

Pregnancy Yoga is for both you and your baby. Your breath is your baby’s oxygen. Your movements rock your baby rhythmically, and your voice provides a sonic massage.

Classes not only prepare you physically, mentally, and emotionally for labour and birth but also allow for prenatal bonding and a deep sense of connection with your unborn baby.

‘Birthlight Pregnancy Yoga supports hands-off midwifery and facilitates the work of midwives by giving pregnant and labouring women the understanding and skills they need to be positively involved in their personal experiences. However, the process unfolds at the time.’

For more information on Pregnancy Yoga, please visit the Birthlight website.

Bookings & Class Availability

Classes can be attended from the 14th week of pregnancy and continue until 40 weeks plus. Before making a booking, please read our Terms & Conditions.

Payment options:

  • 5 class pass (valid for 7 weeks) – £45 (inc. vat)
  • 10 class pass (valid for 12 weeks)  – £75 (inc. vat)
  • Drop-in class – £12 each (inc. vat)

Aquanatal Yoga & Pregnancy Yoga Bundle:

  • 10 class pass (x5 of each) – £90 (inc. vat)
  • 20 class pass (x10 of each) – £150 (inc. vat)

*If your baby arrives earlier than expected, any unused sessions may be credited to your Calmababy account and used for other classes e.g. Baby Swimming, Coffee, Cake & Coping or Baby Massage.

If no classes are shown in the timetable below, please select a future date in the calendar.


Register now to swim in Term 4, starting Monday 5 August. More Info