Baby Yoga | Baby and Parent Yoga Classes | Calmababy

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Baby Yoga

For stretchy bendy happy babies!

Through a series of stretches, movements, and gentle baby yoga sequences, you and your baby will experience the pleasure of touch, movement, rhythm, and deep relaxation benefits. Regular baby yoga classes support a baby’s natural development, helps strengthen muscles, and brings balance and harmony to all body systems.

Yoga with babies offers many benefits and helps their transition from primitive reflex patterns to conscious movement. It can help to settle babies and improve sleep patterns. The movements and massage also aid digestion and give relief to babies suffering from colic or reflux.

As with all our classes, baby yoga is shared at the baby’s pace, nothing is forced, and we always work within their range of movement and ability or readiness for a sequence. Each movement has many variations, making baby yoga adaptable to each baby and their stage of development.

In our baby yoga sessions, we teach: Baby Massage to begin; then include yoga – gentle stretching and poses; holds and relaxed walks, sequences for mobility and development, positioning, moves for colic, reflux and tummy trouble, plus singing and lots of fun with the babies. We also include basic postnatal stretches for mummy, pelvic floor toning, breathing, a relaxation session and time to talk and share experiences to close the class.

Benefits of Baby Yoga:


  • strengthens the spine and neck
  • develops supple joints
  • enlivens all the body’s systems, especially the digestive and nervous systems
  • balances the nervous system, which encourages brain development
  • assists the vestibular system: the body system relating to balance and the relation of the head to the ground


  • yoga is a mutual process; therefore, communication and interaction with the parent are enhanced
  • baby feels that their needs have been listened to and responded to correctly
  • behaviour is more ‘settled’

Benefits for You:

  • Combines gentle postnatal yoga stretching to strengthen the pelvic floor and core abdominal muscles
  • Grows confidence in handling the new baby
  • Interaction and communication
  • It offers a daily routine of activity which enables you to engage constructively with your baby.

Above all, the sessions are fun and social.

“The experience of movement combined with touch is possibly the richest stimulation we can offer babies from birth. In baby yoga, this stimulation occurs through the mutual involvement of you and your baby.” – Francoise Freedman, Birthlight.

Bookings & Class Availability

Baby Yoga is a fantastic course to attend as a follow-on from Baby Massage or a stand-alone session for babies aged approximately 4-8 months to almost crawling. The cost of a 5-week course is £48 (inc. vat).

Please book via our App or contact us for course dates. Before making a booking, please read our Terms & Conditions.

If no classes are shown in the timetable below, please select a future date in the calendar.

Register now to swim in Term 5, starting Monday 14 October More Info