Calmababy resets | Calmababy

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Calmababy resets

The Calmababy Centre will be ten years old on 10th October.

Never could we have imagined that instead of planning for our tenth birthday celebrations, we would be preparing to reset and re-open our business all over again!

Nothing could have prepared us for the number of necessary changes – reams of regulations and governing body guidance – that we had to read and implement to make sure we could re-open safely.

In all honestly, it was daunting. Even a little scary and at times we didn’t know if it would be possible. For months, we lived in limbo, wondering when the government would give the green light for swimming pools to re-open.

What kept us going was the knowledge that everything we do is worthwhile. The Centre brings happiness and lasting benefit to children and their families. We couldn’t lose sight of that amid the decisions and guidelines. We were determined to make it work and held the child-friendly perspective at the forefront of all our planning.

Our main priority has always been safe practices. However, ‘safety’ now took on a whole new definition. Displaying scary warnings and prohibitive messages just wasn’t an option. So we chose Gruffalo social distancing signs and giant lego block changing cubicles. We gave the outdoor play area a makeover and filled it with bright colours and new toys.

Beginning again has been incredible! It has been full of positives and such a relief to know that we got it right.

The Centre feels safe and welcoming. Classes flow smoothly and feel like they did before lockdown. Best of all, Selina’s still serves the most fantastic cake!

Alison Duff

Register now to swim in Term 4, starting Monday 5 August. More Info